Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Home Remedies For Winter Allergies

Winter allergies and infections tend to take a toll on most people’s health. Coughs, sneeze, running nose, water eyes, flu, colds, and sinusitis become very common problems, which last for many days thus making one’s life miserable. People that live in places which experience severe winters, generally are susceptible to chilblains, hypothermia and frostbite if in case they do not take precautions to protect themselves from this kind of weather. People that suffer circulatory disorders and rheumatoid arthritis generally tend to find their symptoms getting aggravated. On account of a lack of sunlight our immune system generally tends to suffer during the winters. As opposed to popular beliefs, flu, sinusitis, coughs and cold are not a result of dipping temperature, but rather an outcome infections.of a slackened immunity, which tends to make people vulnerable to all these allergies and infections.

What causes winter allergies? Symptoms of winter allergies may mimic signs of colds and flu. Winter allergy symptoms include sneezing, coughing, stuffy nose, runny nose and generalized malaise. In the cold months of the year, you may not be exposed to pollen, but you may be exposed to other triggers. In the wintertime we are often exposed to mold and dust mites. Dust mites are microscopic spider-like creatures that live off our dead skin cells. They are found in our beds, on our pillow cases and floating in the air on dust particles. Mold is often found where it is dark and damp. We might find mold growing under the sink, or down in the basement of our homes. Spores get released into the air and when we breathe them into our lungs, they often set off an allergic response from our immune system.

Home Remedies For Winter Allergies 

Here are a few cures and home remedies to treat various kinds of winter ailments. 

To 2 cups of water add half a teaspoon each of marshmallow and Echinacea root. Let the water simmer for a few minutes on a low flame. After about 15 minutes take the mixture off the flame and then add ¼ teaspoon of ginger rhizome, ½ a teaspoon peppermint leaves and 1 teaspoon of chamomile flowers. Place this mixture over a low flame again and let it simmer for an additional 15 minutes. Once the solution has cooled strain it into a glass and consume its contents. This decoction if had once a day will help fight all kinds of winter skin allergies.

Mix together equal proportions of lime juice, water and poppy seeds (crushed). This mixture can also be used as a topical application for skin allergies. A diet that consists of only juices and accompanied with some herbs such as, rose hips and Acerola cherry, will help in boosting the immune system and hence will prevent various kinds of winter ailments. Breathing exercises help in providing an ample amount of oxygen to one’s body, this in turn helps in flushing out unwanted toxins from the body. Practicing deep breathing for about 10 minutes a day will be beneficial. Steam inhalations that are infused with a few drops of eucalyptus oil are an excellent way of opening up blocked sinuses. Finally, the body’s digestive capabilities tend to be at their peak during the winters, thus one can consume rich foods with substantial ease. Energy and nutritious rich foods should be had in order to store energy. 

Here are some more winter herbal remedies that will help reduce winter allergy symptoms. Green tea, chamomile tea, grape seed extract, raw honey, and ginger are used by many people who are sensitive to first and second generation antihistamines. 

Green Tea : 

Everyone knows that green tea is a good calming agent, but many people are finding out that green tea works great as an antihistamine, and doesn't give you the side effects that antihistamines are noted for. 

Chamomile Tea : 

Chamomile tea also has a calming effect, and is a natural antihistamine. However, if you are allergic to ragweed, you should not drink chamomile tea. If you like honey, you can sweeten the tea with it. 

Ginger : 

Ginger is another natural antihistamine. It is a spice that is used in many different recipes. Ginger should be purchased in root form and not in the powdered form. You should grind it up yourself, put it in a cup and make tea out of it with boiling water. 

Grape seed extract : 

Grape seed extract is good to take when you have allergy symptoms in the winter time and all year long. Grape seed extract, like red wine, contains flavonoids. Flavoinoids are helpful in alleviating allergy symptoms.  

Raw honey : 

Raw honey is honey that has not been pasteurized. The heat in pasteurization kills off some of the properties that are beneficial to allergy sufferers. Raw honey, preferably from your general location is very good to help desensitize you from the effects of the different kinds of pollens in the area in which you live.

Raw honey is a natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent. I know raw honey works, because I have allergic asthma. When my rescue inhaler doesn't help take the asthma symptoms away, honey calms my coughing and wheezing right away.


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